Spring Flowers 2018

My son snatched the camera and roamed around the yard looking for evidence of springtime flowers and other awakening plants.

The daffodils were out and about.

The star magnolia tree had buds.

And flowers that were opening up.

The weeping cherry tree was blooming.

As were weeds.

The moss went crazy.

This bush was fruiting.  It’s called oregon grape holly.  You can make jam from the fruit when it ripens and turns purple.  Wonder what jam from this fruit tastes like!

Another view.

Another weed.

More daffodils!

Star magnolia again with a guest–a fly?

A lone tulip among the periwinkle.

The blueberry bush had buds.

Virginia blue bells.

Back indoors, my son brought back cuttings from the weeping cherry tree.



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    1. You’re kidding!! I understand the forecast for Saturday down here is snow. If that actually happens, good bye flowers!

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