Party Time: Best (and Easy!) Halloween Layer Cake

Halloween is just upon us, and so are Halloween parties, so let’s pull out those cake pans and start baking!  If you need to whip up an easy-ish but ultra-tasty Halloween layer cake for a party that won’t scare everyone away, then I’ve got the cake for you.  As an added bonus, you don’t need […]

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Banana Bread Hits the Spot

I’m sure you’ve heard this before:  “Oh, well.  Gotta throw out these squishy, overripe bananas.  They are too icky to eat!”  Those are the words of a frustrated non-baker looking for a banana to eat right out of the peel.  But for bakers, a pile of overripe bananas is a gift dropped straight down from […]

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The Ultimate Plum Cake: Yeast Required

It might be my Slavic/Polish heritage, but I think anything made with plums or prunes is d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s.  Poland is among the top 20 plum producing countries, with production levels at over 100,000 tons per year.  Nothing beats Polish plum conserves, chocolate covered prunes, prune-filled doughnuts, prune layered honey cake, or even spiced plum herbal tea.  […]

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Handy Dandy Hot Milk Lemon Bundt Cake

Lemon Hot Milk Bundt Cake

Here is a vintage cake that has risen up to the top of my pile of go-to coffee/Bundt cakes:  the hot milk cake.  It is like a light pound cake, or perhaps it can be called a sponge cake alternative.  The key to success comes from melted butter mixed in hot milk.  When joined with […]

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