For Easter in a Polish home, you will likely find cheesecake adorning the dessert table. This is true for Christmas and special occasions as well. The cheese used in Polish cheesecake is farmer’s cheese (pot cheese). In Poland, food markets offer a nice selection of farmer’s cheeses, and there is one designed specifically for Polish […]
Polish Easter Babka (Babka Wielkanocna)
I have been meaning to post a recipe for Polish Easter Babka for several years now, and while Easter has already passed us by this year, I am determined to post the recipe! The delay has been due to an odd reason, and that is that I haven’t been able to figure out a recipe […]
The Versatile (and so easy!) Raspberry Crumb Bar
Over the course of my life, I’ve discovered that not everyone likes chocolate. Yikes!! But what really pulls at my heart strings is when someone who loves chocolate develops an allergy to chocolate. What a nightmare that must be! When I tried to research what chemical in chocolate could possibly trigger such a reaction, the […]
Looking Back at Easter 2018: Baking and Celebration
I had every intention of posting Easter recipes BEFORE Easter weekend, but that didn’t pan out. I was too caught up in chocolate making! But I did bake quite a bit just before Easter. The Polish traditional Easter showstopper is the Babka, which is a yeast-based cake usually baked in a Bundt or Kugelhopf pan […]